Energy Efficiency


Start by defining Power Density and Energy Density.
Energy = VIt = Vq
Describe Energy as the area of a rectangle with sides Voltage and Capacity or Charge (q=It) Contained. If this is the energy contained per unit mass of a material, this is it's Energy Density. Now, if we consider the energy utilized per unit time, that is Power Density. From this, you can know that for a given fuel, if its Power Density is Higher, its duration is lower.

Now, this is the energy conversion for chemical batteries. We also often see the Power Density of Gasoline and other fuels mentioned, which unsurprisingly have the same units. In case of Gasoline and Wood, we take the Energy Density as the Heat of Combustion per unit mass.

But Combustion is yet another chemical reaction, a redox reaction. Except that in this case, we utilize the heat instead of the flow of electrons. What are the other sources of energy? Another one would be the energy from motion (Wind, Water), Geothermal (Heat), Solar (Light). Now, we've covered the motion of charges. What is heat then? Heat is the motion of subatomic particles in a given region. It is yet again motion!

So we can see that all energy comes from motion of particles. Now, how can we quantify this? Well, you may remember that charged particles when accelerated generate electromagnetic radiations. And we know that is the same as light, which is the same as energy. To be more precise, the transfer of energy across space is light. But, isn't there space between particles in contact as well?

Well, yes, and contact force is due to the repulsion of orbitals between two molecules. This way we can see that all motion, and hence energy radiated is due to the repulsion of charged particles. The transmission of energy can be understoof as the change of field lines propagating through space as the particle changes it's constant velocity. Yes, the field propagates as a single wave at a constant velocity because the field lines are transmitted at the speed of light, c. In fact, all changes in the universe are transmitted at the speed of light, and time is only defined relative to the motion of another system. The point of propagation of a wave is what we call a photon. That is why a photon is said to not be experiencing time, because it is not moving at a speed, but rather it is moving at the only rate at which a signal can be transmitted. If this was instantaneous, we wouldn't experience anything. So it had to be an arbitrary rate, and I'd say the universe has been set with an ideal number so that we can experience the world in all it's glory.

So far we've talked about energy that comes from the motion of particles. We have different types of motion like sound which is vibrational, heat which brownian motion, contact which is prlerpendicular and so on. All of these point to the fact that there is something more fundamental to be considered to measure the energy that can be obtained from a material. That is, for example, when you consider combustion, you modify the reactants into products, and also release some energy in the process. This released energy has to come from what was within the reactants, which signifies a reduction in mass of the reactants. In this case, the reduced mass corresponds to the reduced bonding energy in the molecules.

That is what E=mc^2 means. It states that Energy is mass, not that energy and mass are interconvertible seperate quantities.


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